Comprehensive Assessment of Nutrient Levels and Toxin Presence
Dual Analysis for Mercury Detection – The Mercury Tri-Test stands as the sole clinical examination employing blood, hair, and urine samples to gauge exposure levels and excretion capabilities concerning both inorganic and methyl mercury.
Exclusive Dual Mercury Evaluation – Differing from conventional “Challenge Testing,” the Mercury Tri-Test distinguishes between methyl mercury (predominantly sourced from seafood or mercury-based amalgams) and inorganic mercury (the most harmful variant), providing direct measurements for each.
Eliminating the Need for Challenge Tests – Challenge testing can lead to metal redistribution within the body’s organs and may struggle to identify long-term toxicity or individual mercury excretion capabilities. The Tri-Test delivers unparalleled insights into exposure origins, overall mercury levels, and the body’s capacity to eliminate each mercury form.
Analysis of Nutrient Levels and Toxic Metals – The Blood Metals Panel screens for a wide array of elements, revealing elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances in nutrient elements within whole blood.
Evaluation of 16 Elements – Nutrient Elements: Calcium, Copper, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc. Potentially Toxic Metals: Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Lead, Mercury, Silver, Strontium