Health Programs

Taking a deep dive into your Bio-individuality and Mental Fitness as we build your Health Road Map.

Nutrigenetic Tests

Personalize your Eating and Fitness Plan based on your genes. Gain insights on how your genes are affecting your:
You will receive:

1-1 Health Coaching

A whole-person approach to understand and address all aspects of your life and lifestyle, bringing insights to your nutrition, your habits and roadblocks as you thrive in your personalized road map towards your optimal health and wellbeing goals.
The focus of the program is for you to build a lifestyle doing things you love and enjoy, while we work with you through the lens of functional nutrition and lifestyle science. Together we will uncover:
You will receive:

1-1 Health Coaching

A whole-person approach to understand and address all aspects of your life and lifestyle, bringing insights to your nutrition, your habits and roadblocks as you thrive in your personalized road map towards your optimal health and wellbeing goals.
The focus of the program is for you to build a lifestyle doing things you love and enjoy, while we work with you through the lens of functional nutrition and lifestyle science. Together we will uncover:
You will receive:

Functional Lab Tests and Supplements

Depending on your personal condition, functional lab tests to help identify root causes and supplements included as a part of your recovery.
Tests we offer include:
We have handpicked professional nutritional products that are research-driven and effective. These products can help you improve your overall health and vitality.
To find out more, book a Personal Strategy Call.

Comprehensive Health Starter Package Nutrigenetic Test Plus 1:1 Health Coaching, starting at SGD 2400

How else we can work with you:

If you are interested in group health coaching, detoxification workshops, tailored corporate health programs, events & media,, or in any specific health topics and professional programs such as The Gentle Birth Project, please write to us at: